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Rugged Yukon - First Day of Autumn

Price $3,500 CAD per person for 6 days/5 nights


Experience fabulous fall colors, fantastic wildlife, and an unforgettable experience that the Yukon has to offer. On this 6 day expedition you will focus on exploring the Yukon backcountry all the while keeping an eye out for various animals like Moose, Grizzlies, Wolves, and Sheep.


Enjoy watching the colors of autumn change over the famous Tombstone Mountain range which is more often than not referred to as the Patagonia of the north. The various spires and formations rise high above the surrounding tundra and reflect perfectly in the lakes and ponds that we will explore before driving down the famous Dempster Highway. The only road in Canada to cross the Arctic Circle.


Day 1

After arriving in Dawson City you will have a few minutes to get your foot on the ground before being transported by our custom 4x4 truck into the heart of Tombstone Territorial Park. Once there we will re-organize our gear and board our helicopter for the next leg of the journey. Once we land you will have the chance to enjoy and explore the beautiful Talus lake at sunset and stay up to watch the Aurora Borealis


Day 2 - 4

Enjoy the morning exploring Talus Lake before doing a short leisure hike to Divide Lake where we will spend the night. After sunrise we will have breakfast and continue over the mountain pass to Grizzly Lake. Enjoy the spectacular scenery and vistas along the way before heading back to our car. We will drive back to Dawson City, have dinner and unwind after our hikes.


Day 5

Get up early and head for a drive on the Dempster Highway in search of Grizzly Bears, Moose, and Wolves. Cross the arctic circle and spend the evening watching the sunset over the rightfully named moose lake before heading back to Dawson City for your final night.


Day 6

Departure home from Dawson City Airport


This trip includes:

- All transportation and accommodation from the moment you land in Dawson City

*** Guest are responsible for their own tent, sleeping bags, pad, and meals. Flights and transportation to and from Dawson City are not included


Space is limited to 3 guests and one guides, so send us an email HERE for more information and to book this unique adventure!



August 23rd - August 28th 2024

August 28th - September 2nd 2024